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Properti Komersial (office space) di Daerah Dukuh Pakis, Surabaya | ListingIklan
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Properti Komersial
Office Space
Dukuh Pakis
Properti Komersial (office space) di Daerah Dukuh Pakis, Surabaya
Kantor Kupang indah gg 8
27 March 2023
Ruang Office di Ciputra World Office Lantai 11 Unit 12 Kota Surabaya Harga Nego
14 August 2021
Ruang Kantor di Spazio Tower: 24 Hours Premium Office Tower in West Surabaya
12 August 2021
Ruang Kantor Kondisi 100% Baru Lantai 11 di Ciputra Office Tower Surabaya Barat
15 July 2021
Spazio Office Tower 2 Lantai 2 Ruang Kantor di Kawasan CBD Surabaya Barat
13 July 2021
Kantor di Ciputra World Surabaya Barat
30 May 2021
Office Spazio Harga Murah Lokasi Istimewa Dekat Pusat Perbelanjaan
02 May 2021
pradahkali kendal [7]
properti komersial (office space) Harga Rp. 1 Miliar-an di dukuh pakis
properti komersial (office space) Harga Rp. 2 Miliar-an di dukuh pakis
properti komersial (office space) Harga Rp. 2 Miliar-an di dukuh pakis
properti komersial (office space) Harga Rp. 2 Miliar-an di dukuh pakis
properti komersial (office space) Harga Rp. 4 Miliar-an di dukuh pakis
properti komersial (office space) Harga Rp. 4 Miliar-an di dukuh pakis
properti komersial (office space) Harga Rp. 4 Miliar-an di dukuh pakis
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