31 March 2023

Harga Jual

Rp. 15 Juta
Luas Tanah: 5,000 M2LAND FOR LEASE AT SANURLEASEHOLD : Fast responders for a cheap land location at Pantai Sanur beachAddress : Jl. Pantai Mertasari Sari Jl. Suka Merta Sanur Beach, Denpasar - BaliLand area : 5000 m2 (50 acres)Front size :+/- 40 m2Road access size : 5 meters of paved road + 3 meters of paved road access to the locationShape of the land : flatTourism area(*) Fit perfectly to build commercial villas & resort, home stay, etc(*) Near Sanur tourism area and close to some beach around Sanur(*) Close to several private villas(*) Near Mangrove forestsPeriod of contract : 50 yearsSHM is well prepared and ready to be executedPrice : Rp. 15 million / 100 m2 / are / yearThank you and have a great day!#tanahbaru #tanahterlaris #tanahterbaru #tanahdisewa #tanahdenpasar #tanahdenpasarselatan #tanahsanur
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